Thursday, August 20, 2009

Adding up the numbers

I think we are close to buying a new home. I feel it. We have so many nice choices. We have gone back and forth about them all. Beautiful home but small yard. Large yard but the home needs work. Waterfront acreage with an old home. Our own beach access but the house is so big.

I was thinking about them all and remembered our real estate agent and her proclivity for numerology. Our first home address added up to 8- that meant abundance, prosperity, accomplishment . That certainly seemed to be true. We quickly made enough to jump to a home twice as valuable.

Our current home adds up to a 7. That means solitude, spirituality, introspective. It's a lovely home, but it's also the cancer house in my head. Introspection indeed. The house brought me much peace throughout our ordeal, but I am itching to move on.

These are the options on the table:

The home up the street that belongs to an older couple looking to downsize. The address adds up to a 6: love, compassion, home. I can feel this in the home. The couple raised five kids there and the love and happiness are tangible in the air. The lot is beautiful, but the home needs work. I think we'd jump on this house in a second if the owners weren't holding out for more money than we think it's worth.

The beautiful home up on the hill that reminds us of a peaceful inn. The address adds up to 9: completion, selflessness, letting go of the old. Considering what we went through in this house, "letting go of the old" sounds very nice. How about drop-kicking it out the door? We are smitten by the house, so I have a feeling this just might be the one, even if we'll have to do a little work to create enough yard space for kid revelry.

Then there's the giant home in Magnolia with the big yard and a trail down to the beach. This one is a 3: fulfillment, social gathering, achievement. It better be full of social gathering with all that space! The kids might need gps units so I can find them. I have yet to walk into it- that will tell me for sure if it's an option, or a crazy distraction from the real choices.

In last place is the Cherry Loop one. How can you resist an address like "Cherry Loop?" Two acres, on the water...I sigh just thinking about how pretty that piece of property is. But the house- ack- it makes me gag a little. That address is a 6 as well: love, compassion, home. I don't feel that inside the home. In fact, we'd need to tear down the whole thing to build our own love and compassion home. That sounds like a monsterous project. Maybe a little too big for us right now.

I bet these next couple of weeks will bring an answer. I think I want to start packing...

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